
think quantitative, too!

Welcome to thinkQ2. We are a Swiss based consulting company, specialized in supporting pharmaceutical research and development processes.

We are here to help you getting the most out of your data and assets.

We offer scientific and strategic consulting, portfolio review, advanced model based data analyses, bespoke expert trainings, and development of highly customized analysis tools.


  1. Scientific and Strategic Consulting
    We provide scientific and strategic consulting to support the building of the critical path, risk mitigation strategies during translational, early, and late stage drug development. Our services encompass also the interpretation of nonclinical and clinical data (DMPK, PK, PKPD, biomarker, efficacy) and preparation of regulatory documents, meetings and submissions.
    Our aim is to maximize the assets of our clients by utilizing our vast experience in drug discovery, drug development and regulatory affairs. Ask for more details...

  2. Advanced Model Based Data Analyses
    We perform PK/PD data analysis from non-clinical to clinical studies, such as complex compartmental PK/PD analysis, semi- mechanistic and stochastic population modeling including covariate identification, exposure response and time-to event analysis, logistic regression and disease modelling.
    Our projects are pursued in close collaboration with our customers to ensure we provide the analysis needed and they are valuable for our customers. Ask for more details...

  3. Bespoke Scientific Trainings
    You want to grow your team's expertise in certain aspects of modeling & simulation, data handling, data visualization, reproducible results, automated reporting, special modeling techniques (e.g. time to event, logistic regression, discrete endpoints, model based meta analyses)?

    We will develop a bespoke training, tailored to your needs, starting at your level and bringing you to the edge in this field. Ask for more details...

  4. Customized Analysis Tools
    You want to enable your discovery, development or life cycle management teams to perform their own simulations and visualize the results without NONMEM or R expertise?
    You want to graphically explore your adverse event data including simple dose or exposure relationships?
    You need standardized scripts to perform visualizations or tabulations of your data?

    We will develop such tools for you including maintenance and user support and deploy them on a protected cloud. No local installation, no trouble with IT. Ask for more details...



Dr. Gëzim Lahu

Gëzim is a quantitative clinical pharmacologist, toxicologist and translational medicine expert. He led multinational, development teams in several therapeutic areas including oncology, inflammation (respiratory, RA, SLE and other), cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, central nervous system and gastro intestinal disorders. His expertise stretches in biologics, antibody drug conjugates and small molecules as well as in devices and routes of delivery. His passion is systems pharmacology and value creation.

Read more about Gezim here.

Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology | PK/PD | Pharmacometrics | Translational Medicine | Early, Late and LCM Drug Development | Drug portfolio evaluation | Systems Pharmacology | Multiple Indications, Orphan and Rare diseases


Dr. Thomas Wagner

Thomas is a chemist working in the field of quantitative clinical pharmacology including modelling and simulation since 2006. He is an expert in PK and PK/PD modelling and simulation in the clinical and preclinical space of different disease areas. His field of expertise stretches from small molecules, monoclonal antibodies, ADCs to antisense oligonucleotides. His passion is working in vibrant scientific teams.

Read more about Thomas here.

PK and PK/PD | Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology | Mathematical Modeling | Clinical Trial Simulations | Meta Analyses | DMPK | Biologics | Translational Medicine | Biomarkers 


Dr. Axel Facius

Axel is a mathematician and computer scientist working in the field of modeling and simulation of biological systems since 1995.
He is an expert in PK and PK/PD modeling and simulation, advanced data analysis and visualization. He is a dedicated R developer since over 20 years and experienced lecturer. His passion is extracting key information out of big unstructured data.

Read more about Axel here.

PK and PK/PD | Mathematical Modeling | Clinical Trial Simulations | Meta Analyses | Data Standards (CDISC) | Statistics | Advanced Data Mining | Software Development | IT Systems | Cloud Computing | Computational Biology | Bioinformatics | Teaching


How can we help you?



thinkQ2 AG
Oberneuhofstr. 5
CH-6340 Baar

